Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Amazon Part 4 (The final chapter)

After an amazing night in a black blanket of abyss, I found an ease and a rest in a bed filled with a lavender scent. Not the lavender scent of a cheap Febreeze spray, but moreso the scent of fresh flowers under the pillows. It probably wasn't lavender but my tired mind imagined it so.

The next few days were calm and amazing. They were filled with: ant eaters that could climb trees; wild boars that smelt bad; massive anaconda paths in trenches; a beastmaster snake that scurried off so quickly I barely saw it; piranhas which I hand fed crackers to; crazy monkeys that didn't make a sound, but constantly watched over me like a Hollywood stalker; tree cutter ants that cut trees down, go figure; fire ants in my pants; and amazing fruits. I didn't have the time to snap off pictures of everything, but I'll leave a few snaps here. I hope you enjoy.

Are you crazy

Sunset Birds, in black and white of course

Capivara on the side of the river

The butterfly that looks like an owl

Piglet biting my foot

Another butterfly

Amazon River

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