Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tommy's Wall

Myrosha Daley - Mount Seymour

It's been a long time since I've put up a post, and even longer since I did a print galley showing. For the month of December, Tommy's breakfast cafe in Lynn Vally, North Vancouver will be showcasing some limited edition canvas prints. Stop by if you have chance.

Are you crazy

Friday, June 5, 2009


Grouse Mountain - Showdown Over the City

7 months
Really? 7 months already? No way. It can't be. The season is over too? There's no more snow on the mountain. What happened? I was just starting my snowmobile and prepping for winter. Why is it 30 degrees already?

It's coming back now, slowly -- another season's lucid dream. Monotonous feelings, blurry characters, they are all coming back. The memories trickle in. The season IS over.

But where was I?

Park Royal - LG Mountain Festival

This last seasons marked what could be one of the biggest steps in my life. It wasn't about getting a cover on an international magazine. It wasn't about watching one of your favorite photographers finally get the recognition he deserves. It was a season where I opened new doors to light another path. I enrolled in University to see if now was the time to get a degree.

And it really was optimal timing. The recessionary worries thundered through the snowboarding industry like it was sent by Zeus himself. But that is a topic in and itself.

Are you crazy