Friday, June 5, 2009


Grouse Mountain - Showdown Over the City

7 months
Really? 7 months already? No way. It can't be. The season is over too? There's no more snow on the mountain. What happened? I was just starting my snowmobile and prepping for winter. Why is it 30 degrees already?

It's coming back now, slowly -- another season's lucid dream. Monotonous feelings, blurry characters, they are all coming back. The memories trickle in. The season IS over.

But where was I?

Park Royal - LG Mountain Festival

This last seasons marked what could be one of the biggest steps in my life. It wasn't about getting a cover on an international magazine. It wasn't about watching one of your favorite photographers finally get the recognition he deserves. It was a season where I opened new doors to light another path. I enrolled in University to see if now was the time to get a degree.

And it really was optimal timing. The recessionary worries thundered through the snowboarding industry like it was sent by Zeus himself. But that is a topic in and itself.

Are you crazy

1 comment:

Brian Garson said...

the season went by so fast i missed it entirely except for 1 day of riding.. far cry from my 75+ in past years :(