Day 1 didn't kick off with the best of starts. About 5 hours after I wrote my last blog (a few hours before I had to catch a flight), I was hit with a nasty case of food poisoning. I threw up for 11hours straight, and then passed out when I got to my cabin.

The journey to the Amazon, though spent hugging many different airplane bags, is a beautiful one. It began with a plane ride to Cusco, the highest city in the world, also home to the well known Machu Pichu. Then, another flight to Puerto Madonablo. On the 1.5 hour bus ride from the airport to the port, the scene was almost historic native Canada. It wasn't like any Hollywood movie had ever depicted it to be. A 2 hour motor canoe ride up the river with sights of capivara and exotic birds and I arrived at base camp, a spot I would now call home for the next few days.
Are you crazy
Dude .. just sounds like your having an amazing time especially making best friends with a paper bag .. hahaha .. take it easy bro
Can't wait to see more shots from this trip Gonzo.
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